Heathy Wednesday: Strawberry/Blackberry Yogurt Popsicle

Hey Divas

Here is a delicious and healthy popsicle. This is for thoese hot days when you want something sweet, cold and healthy. I mix fruit, yougurt and honey to make this. This can be done with any fruit or yogurt that you like.  If you have a smoothie mixture that you like, then used that and make your popsicles.

Strawberry/Blackberry Yogurt Popsicles

1.5 cups vanilla yogurt (greek, soy, any yogurt you like)
1 cup strawberries
1/2 cup Blackberrys
3+ tablespoon honey (more if you prefer sweeter and less tart)

Kitchen supplies:
Popsicle molds

Add all ingredients to blender and blend

Close-up of the ingredients 
All blended

Pour juice into popsicle molds and freeze over night or unless 4 hours

ENJOY ! ! !

LoVe, Annette 


  1. Looks YUMMY!!! Thank you for your comment! you may purchase the tights @ www.shapelylouise.bigcartel.com!!!

    E. Louise



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